A Joomla! Administrator needs to know how and where to find and install and maintain the appropriate Joomla! extension(s) for the Joomla! website(s). Learn more about Managing Extensions.

Finding and evaluating an extension

  • Using JED, Reading reviews, checking date extension was last updated,Joomla versions supported
  • Installing/Uninstalling an extension (languages, templates, plugins, components, modules)
  • Overriding a language string in Joomla or an extension
  • Being aware of the different types of extensions and the difference between them, Including templates, languages, components, plugins (ReCaptcha), modules
  • Use of the template manager (Switching templates, assigning template to different user groups, administrator templates, frontend templates)
  • Template styles
  • Replacing colors, fonts and other basics on default template.
  • Use of the module manager (Search, filter, batch, ordering, publish, unpublish, frontend modules, administrator modules, position…)
  • Use of the plugin manager (Search, ordering, enable, disable...)
  • Core extensions (e.g: Banners, Contacts, Messaging, Newsfeeds, Redirect, Search, Smart Search)
  • Core Modules (e.g.Login, Breadcrumbs, Articles, Custom HTML, Menu, Language Switcher)
  • Create a basic HTML module. Without CSS and without javascript
  • Update Sites
  • What can you do to help prevent errors when installing a extension or update? (e.g. Test on a test site first (if possible), only install updates after
    making a backup first, Check out the extension forums to see if there are any logged issues, only install updates that are of a stable status, obtain
    your extension updates directly from the developer's website or the JED or run through the Joomla updater interface if applicable)
  • Frontend module editing



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