How to prepare for the Administrator Exam?

The most important piece of advice we can give you is: don't underestimate the exam!  The exam covers only the core Joomla! features and not about the many useful extensions we all use on a daily basis to improve and extend our workflows.

Even if you use Joomla! on a daily basis, it's wise to study for your exam, as everyone has their own way of working and it is rare to use all of the core features all of the time. You may work in a niche market or have developed a best practice for yourself which doesn't cover all Joomla! core areas. So, it makes sense to be aware of this, to study and refresh your knowledge.

There are many ways to prepare for the exam, including:

Classroom study at Joomla! Learning Partners

Joomla! Learning Partners (JLP's) are qualified companies who can expand your Joomla! knowledge. You can also do your exam at a JLP. Find a JLP near you.

Online Study by watching videos

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Self-study by reading the Joomla! manual


Study at a Joomla! User Group

Joomla! User Groups are a great way to learn more about Joomla! and study in an environment with your peers. Click here to find your local Joomla! User Group.

These topics are covered by the Joomla! Administrator Exam:

Joomla Architecture

A Joomla! administrator you need the understand how the CMS Joomla works and know the relationship between files and the database. Learn more about the elements that make up a Joomla! website.

As a Joomla! administrator you must be able to modify the structure of Joomla and understand the relationship between articles, categories and menus. Read more how to maintain the website structure.

As a Joomla! administrator you must know what the system requerements are en how to install Joomla! and how to troubleshoot problems during the installation. Learn more about preparing & installing Joomla!

As a Joomla administrator you should be aware of security issues, how to maintain them, and how to make a backup or restore a backup. Learn more about Security & Maintenance.

As a Joomla! administrator you must be able to upgrade Joomla! and the Joomla! extensions, and know the defference between Major, Minor updates. Learn more about upgrading your system.

As a Joomla! administrator, you must know how to set up and maintain a multilingual Joomla! website inclduding, components, modules etc. Learn more about managing A Multilingual Website.

As a Joomla! administrator you must know how to manage articles and to use and configure all the default features that Joomla! can provide. Learn more about Managing Articles.

As a Joomla! administrator you should be familiar with how to create and manage menus, menu items, the modulepositions and the menu types etc. Learn more about Managing Menus.

A Joomla! administrator needs to know how user management works in Joomla! For example, how to setup and maintain user registrations, user acceslevels, reset passwords etc. Learn more about Managing Users.

A Joomla! Administrator needs to know how and where to find and install and maintain the appropriate Joomla! extension(s) for the Joomla! website(s). Learn more about Managing Extensions.

A Joomla! administrator has miscellaneous tasks that have to be performed in the context of regular administration of your Joomla! website (s). Learn more about Miscellaneous tasks details.