Why are there no exam sessions available at the moment?
The Joomla Certification exams are offered by our exam partners, including our Joomla Learning Partners (JLPs), Joomla Days and Joomla User Groups (JUGs). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have placed restrictions on live events and/or groups of people meeting.
Even where group meetings are permitted, there are often protection rules and measures needed to hold such a meeting. These restrictions change frequently and are often unpredictable, often due to the changing situation regarding the infection rates.
Our partners are therefore restricted by their local (country) rules and measures. In these circumstances it is difficult for our exam partners to be able to offer exams. Our exam partners do not receive any direct financial benefit from holding an exam, and therefore any extra costs in holding a COVID-19 proof exam (e.g. with extra protective screens, less candidates due to distance rules) are for the exam partners.
The Joomla Certification Program (JCP) understands that offering exams at the moment is not practical or financially viable.
If and when it’s possible to hold exams the JCP will fully support our partners and candidates to revive the Certification Program.
As mentioned above, the JCP does not offer exams itself. Although we support our exam providers, we cannot expect our partners to solve or implement any solutions to the extra problems mentioned above.
The JCP and or exam partners hope to offer exams again later this year.
If you have any questions or comments please contact the Certification team