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- Geschreven door Joomla Certification Program
On Saturday September 24th, 2016 Polish Joomlers had the privilege of joining the first Joomla! exam at a European JoomlaDay. An enthusiastic team of organizers had organized a great JoomlaDay with a lot of attention to the Joomla! exams. They had the honor of hosting this historic event at Politechnika Slaska in Gliwice. 16 candidates took the Administrator Exam, including the well-known Polish community member Sławomir Pieszczek, who became the first Certified Joomla! Administrator in Poland. The Supervisor from the Netherlands congratulated “Sławo” on behalf of Joomla! Certification Program members.
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- Geschreven door Joomla Certification Program
On Monday September 19th, 2016 R2H web design from The Netherlands hosted the first ever Joomla! exam at a Joomla! Learning Partner (JLP). Supervisor Richard van Tilborg had the honor to welcome 4 candidates to this historic event. After about 60 minutes into the exam Rick Spaan became the first Certified Joomla! Administrator in the world!
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- Geschreven door Andrea Gentil
JoomlaDay Denver is happy to host the first Joomla! Certification Exam held in the USA.
This session will be conducted by Sarah Watz, President of Open Source Matters and a big part of our recently launched Joomla! Certification Program.
JoomlaDay Denver will take place on October 1st in Denver, Colorado. For more information visit http://joomladaydenver.com/
New exam dates will be available soon on https://certification.joomla.org/exam-locations
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- Geschreven door Andrea Gentil
We are very happy to announce that first exam session in Europe will take place at next at next JoomlaDay Poland, on September 24th.
This session will be conducted by Richard van Tilborg, Certification Marketing Team leader and Certification Platform Team member.
JoomlaDay Poland 2016 will take place on 24-25 September in Gliwice.
For more information visit http://joomla-day.pl/program/exam
New exam dates will be available soon on https://certification.joomla.org/exam-locations
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- Geschreven door Andrea Gentil
Good news for future Joomla! Learning Partners (JLP's)! On July 28, 2016 we launched an improved application process to become a JLP. The Certification Operations Team (COT) has received about 60 applications so far. All information had to be screened and handled manually. That's a lot of work!
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- Geschreven door Andrea Gentil
Certification Operations Team (COT) has been working hard on the approval of Joomla! Learning Partners (JLP) applicants, in order to start with the Certification Program. The process begins with reception and screening of the JLP application. In the next step, COT will check applicant's background, ask to complete a questionnaire, interview the applicant and check exam room requirements.