- Written by Joomla Certification Program
Taking to the challenge of providing a Certification Program for Joomla! every new project faces some challenges at the beginning. The main challenge was to write a set of reliable questions, well balanced, both regarding subject areas covered and in difficulty. Passing the exam proves that one has the knowledge required to be an all round Joomla! Administrator.
Written by Todd Woodward, Joomla! COT
The second annual JoomlaDay Florida was held this past weekend in Tampa, FL at the Hillsborough Community College’s Ybor City Campus. The event expanded from one day to two, with some speakers from all walks of the Joomla! community. It was at last year’s JoomlaDay that I decided to become a Joomla! volunteer. Jason Nickerson and members of the Tampa Bay JUG, plus other Joomlers and some amazing sponsors like Hivelocity, Joomlashack, and JoomlaXTC combine to make this a fun and educational event.
- Written by Andrea Gentil
As Eric Lamy wrote in our special 10 year issue: "One of the Joomla! events of 2016 will certainly be the launch of the certification program. Why? Because the stakes are huge." The certification program has now been launched, and to help us see the concept, the organization and the contents more clearly, we interviewed Marc Dechèvre.
- Written by Andrea Gentil
The 9th Italian JoomlaDay was a fantastic event. Just like previous years, there were a lot of happy faces and great sessions. It's a good example of what our Community is all about: have fun, learn and connect with others. JoomlaDay Italy also hosted an exam with great results. Almost 50% of the candidates passed.
- Written by Andrea Gentil
Another great milestone has been reached. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Marc Dechèvre passed his exam at Joomla! Learning Partner R2H. Although the exam was in The Netherlands, Marc became the first Belgian Joomla! Administrator.
- Written by Andrea Gentil
On Saturday, October 15, 2016, Italian Joomlers had the opportunity to attend the first Joomla! Administrator Exam in Italy. This session has been hosted by a Joomla! Learning Partner in a data center in Pisa, where candidates used an incredibly fast internet connection (757 Mbps). Bonaventura Pizzoferro and Mattia Cattaneo became the first two Italian certified Joomla! Administrators. Supervisor Luca Marzo congratulated them on behalf of the Joomla! Certification Program.
We asked organizer Marco Mangione about this experience with the JCP as a Joomla! Learning Partner.