When in Rome… do like the Romans, like visiting the Colosseum, The Vatican and the Trevi Fountain.
When at Joomla! World Conference… do the Joomla! Exam.
It’s even available in Italian. It’s great to see Italian Joomlers are signing up for the first Italian Joomla! Exam. Some will take the exam for the first time, others for the second time. Why? Because they were nervous, they expected a different exam or they experienced some bumps during the startup of the exam and failed with just a few points. They will get a second chance at Joomla! World Conference.
Why do people get a discount on their exam price?
Software developers and web builders know there’s always room for improvement. Even when you have put great effort into developing a system and you think you have built the perfect exam system, things may go differently than expected. Therefore the Joomla! Certification Team would like to offer a 50% discount to all candidates that scored between 70 and 79 points at their first exam.
How do I get my discount?
Go to https://exam.joomla.org/jwc2017 and buy your exam seat for JWC 2017. Then use the coupon code (which you have received by email) at the checkout page to receive your discount. Timetables for the exam can be found at the JWC website.
If you are not visiting Rome, please send a mail with “Retake exam” as a subject to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and ask for your personal coupon code. If you are not sure in which country you will retake the exam then please send us an email at a later moment.
How (hard) do I have to study?
Joomla! Administrator exam is about testing your knowledge regarding core Joomla! features (check our learning guide) like menu installation, menu management, security, user management, editing articles, etc. It’s good to go through the documentation at https://docs.joomla.org but it’s mainly a test to see your active day to day knowledge about Joomla!
The value of a Joomla! badge for web developers
The exam is levelled out for all Joomlers around the world. Some people think it’s challenging to take an English exam. On the contrary, native English speakers look up to the multilingual questions. So everyone has his own specific challenge. The exam does represent a certain level of competence which proves your Joomla! knowledge to your (new) clients.
Taking the exam for the first time?
There’s plenty of room to take the English or Italian Exam on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. You simply go to https://exam.joomla.org/jwc2017 and buy your seat online with PayPal.
Good luck and we’ll see you soon!